Wednesday, August 31, 2011

46 Days and Counting...

This year I'm participating in the Ride to Remember in Washington, D.C.

On October 16th, I'll be riding my bike 31 miles in the Metric Half-Century Ride to help raise money for the National Law Enforcement Memorial.

I began my Law Enforcement career in 2003 and I decided it was high time I did something to help raise public awareness of the sacrifices that so many of my extended family members make on a daily basis. Since I love cycling, both on the job and off, I decided this was a great opportunity to get the word out and help support a great project, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C.

I'll be tracking my training progress over the next 46 days leading up to the Ride to Remember on October 16th, 2011.  I hope to acknowledge and thank those that support this project here as well...I know we all love to see our names on the internet!

Please support me as I take a stand behind the brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect the public. Law enforcement officers support us every day – and every 53 hours an officer makes the ultimate sacrifice for public safety. I am participating in the Law Enforcement Ride & Run to Remember to say thank you to my brothers and sisters in Blue.

Please support my fundraising efforts with a donation. Your tax-deductible gift will help the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund with their mission to increase public support for the law enforcement profession by permanently recording and appropriately commemorating the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers; and to provide information that will help promote law enforcement safety.

It’s easy to make a difference - just click the link below to make a donation.

I greatly appreciate your support of my participation and of law enforcement officers everywhere.

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