Wednesday, July 10, 2013

On the default.

So I finally broke down and bought an in-rail bike mount for my Toyota Tacoma. I'd been putting it off because Toyota wanted almost $200 for one that works with my internal bed-rail system. After much searching I found that Rocky Mounts made a compatible part an I got one ordered through the magic of the other day.

This morning I got it installed and hit the road intending to go for a trail ride. I arrived at Guilford Courthouse NMP and rode the 3 miles down to the trailhead for the Blue Herron trail...only to find it closed due to recent rains. So I rode another mile down to the Owl's Roost trail...same story. So I ended up doing 12.4 miles along the paved greenway instead.

It was a nice ride, but not what I'd's looking to drier weather soon!

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