Sunday, February 08, 2015

Just Say New Year's Resolutions!

New Year's Resolutions are a joke. So I choose not to make them. Instead I wait until February and make New Me resolutions. In just a few days I'll be 38 years old and I've decided to get off my ass and really work towards bettering myself. I was relatively active in 2012 and 2013, running several RunDisney races and local events throughout both years. I biked both years at the Ride & Run to Remember in Washington, DC and I led a generally healthy lifestyle. In 2014 I slipped a bit...I ran some but not consistently, I left my bikes parked for nearly the entire year, and I didn't eat well. I'm at my heaviest weight since 2010, weighing in at 160 lbs. I do not like what I've let myself become. 

So in honor of my birthday, I'm making some changes for the better. Better eating habits, more running, and strength training are on the agenda and I couldn't be happier about the prospect of a new and improved me.

Today I started things off right, doing 30 bench press lifts at half my body weight, 30 curls, 20 butterfly lifts at 10 lbs, and 20 forward arm extensions at 10 lbs. then I hit the trails near my home and ran 3.25 miles followed by a .75 mile uphill climb/walk along a very steep trail. I followed that up with the first of my new nightly sets of sit-ups...I plan to do 50 every night before bed. Today I'm breaking it up into 25 before dinner and 25 before bed given that it's Sunday and I have a little wiggle room in my schedule. 

Here's looking at a new year in my life!

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