Saturday, May 25, 2013

After work run

Did a nice long 11.5 hr shift today, so I took it easy and did a short 1.75 mile trek around the ol' neighborhood this afternoon. I kept a decent pace under 13 mins per mile, so I'm pleased with that. Looking forward to biking tomorrow and wearing my new National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial bike jersey from National Police Week. A huge amount of thanks to Alex at the NLEOMF for helping acquire it for me despite my being unable to attend the festivities during Police Week this year.

In other news, I've decided to register for a Duathlon in September. It is a 40k bike race/5k run in Ramseur, NC. Anyone interested in checking it out can hit their website at I'm also looking into getting some time off so I can run in the Moonlight Bootlegger 5k that's being held in Pleasant Garden, NC in looks like a lot of fun, what could be better than whiskey and running?

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